포지션 상세 정보
- 기술스택
- UbuntuOpenCVC++ROSDeepLearningPythonC
- 주요업무
• Improve object detection and matching models to enhance the traffic light recognition pipeline. • Develop object classification and tracking algorithms to detect objects in the scene. • Implement deep learning-based solutions for various robot tasks. • Optimize lightweight deep learning models for deployment on mobile robot platforms. • Develop multitask deep learning models for robot perceptions, including object detection and segmentation. • Extract object information from various sensors such as cameras, LiDAR, depth cameras, and 3D point clouds.
- 자격요건
• Understanding and experience with model optimization techniques. • Proficiency in Python and C/C++ programming languages. • Strong programming skills and experience. • Experience with ROS (Robot Operating System) or other robot frameworks. • Understanding of the characteristics of specific vision sensors such as cameras, radar, LiDAR, and depth cameras. • Strong communication skills and a collaborative mindset.
- 우대사항
• Experience working with various sensors. • Deep understanding of camera geometry. • Experience in camera-lidar sensor fusion. • Previous involvement in autonomous driving-related projects or work. • Expertise in lightweighting and optimization of deep learning models. • Experience participating in or developing projects related to ADAS or autonomous driving. • Experience in development with Linux/Embedded systems.
- 복지 및 혜택
• 야근 NO! • 주말출근 NO! • 휴가 자유! • 점심 제공! • 간식 무제한! • 최신 장비 지원!
기업/서비스 소개
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